Friday, June 3, 2016

Aleph Beis Review

As the year comes to an end, it is so nice to see how much the students have learned! This week the students reviewed their knowledge of Aleph Beis letters aleph through yud while decorating the Luchos in honor of Shavuos.

Friday, May 27, 2016

Ahavas Yisrael in the Montessori Classroom

This week in the Montessori Classroom the students focused on Lag Baomer. 
We learned about Rabbi Akiva and Shimon Bar Yochai, discussed the customs of the day, and practiced being nice to each other! 
We had so much fun signing Veahavta Lerecha Kamocha and the other songs from our davening routine. Here are some pictures of us working nicely together.

Lag Baomer bonfire

Cutting and pasting lesson, discussing the customs

Holding hands and singing songs during davening

Decorating photos of our friends

Friday, May 13, 2016

Israel Unit

This week the Montessori class began its unit on Israel. 
They decorated their very own suitcases and began traveling. We started in Jerusalem of gold and made a gold glitter project. The students collaboratively decorated the Kotel where they will stick their Mitzva Notes and daven during Shabbos Party.

As a special treat we explored the tastes of Israel and had an Israeli style lunch. The students chopped up Israeli salad and ate falafel, pita, and hummus. 

The students mixed their own salad dressing and were so excited to taste their hard work- it was delicious!



Friday, May 6, 2016

Counting the Omer

Counting the Omer in Class

The Montessori Students count the Omer every day in class during circle time! They collectively decorated Har Sinai, the Torah, and flowers. 
Each day we sing our Omer song and move another day across the line. Take a look at our beautiful classroom project:

Dot Painting the Torah, excellent fine motor practice

Working together to paint Hair Sinai, look how nicely the students share!

Creating flower decorations from recycled egg cartons

The finished project!!

Friday, April 15, 2016


Exploring Charoses and Horseradish

For the steps of Marror and Korech of the Seder, the Montessori students explored bitter horseradish and sweet Charoses. We made our own Charoses by grinding up nuts, cutting apples, and mixing it in with grape juice. Although the students didn't want taste the horseradish (no figure!!) they smelled it and the Morahs are so proud of them!!

Smashing up nuts

Mixing the ingredients together

Sniffing horseradish

Yummy Hillel sandwich with Charoses!

Marror sandwich!

Making Challa

Elijah's Cup

The Montessori class is almost done with their Haggadas. 
Today we made a cup for Eliyahu Ha Navi. 
The students can't wait to see the magic of Eliyahu coming and drinking the wine!!