Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Introduction to Passover

The Montessori classroom has begun their unit on Pesach! 

This week the students learned about chometz (leavened bread we do not eat during the holiday). 
We searched for chometz, practiced cleaning up chometz with Practical Life Montessori lessons, and even made a Bedikas Chometz (Searching for Chometz) kit!! 

Take a peek at our progress:

Searching for chometz in the classroom



Practical life lesson: sweeping up the chometz

Making our Bedikas Chometz kit with the traditional spoon, feather, and blessings


Montessori Lesson 

Tuesday, March 15, 2016


The Montsssori Classroom has begun it's unit on Purim! 
We have introduced many lessons, projects, and fun songs in honor of this holiday. 
Take a look at the following photos to see what we're up to:

Dressing up for Adar during Show & Tell

Painting with triangle sponges for Haman's triangle hat

Coin Pattern Lesson- excellent for building fine motor skills, fun to play with real money, and in honor of the King's many riches!

Counting numbers 0-9 with jewelry

Sorting Jewels by color

Testing out various items to see which makes the loudest sound for our Graggers!!

Painting and decorating our Graggers

Painting our Megillah Cases

Coloring in the pages of our Megillah

Counting Purim symbols