Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Weekly Parsha: Vaera,

In Parshas Vaera (Torah Portion of Vaera), G-d punished the Egyptians with the 10 Makkos (plagues). We learned about the first Makkah (plague) Dam (blood) and how Aron struck the water with his staff. The student watched the water turn into "blood" and then made their own staffs!


Phases of the Moon: A Parsha and Brachos lesson

While studying this week's Parsha we discussed the importance of keeping a calendar. For this lesson we used sequencing cards to understand the phases of the moon. After that we made our own sequence using cookies. The students were so excited to recite the Bracha Mezonos that they just learned on their cookies!


Morah Chana's birthday party

Baking Aleph Beis cookies

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